Monday, October 10, 2005

Free Will and Determinism Arguments

Here are a few (brief) argument outlines on free will and determinism. I think you'll notice that the essential point of difference between the two positions lies in the definition of freedom.

Determinism Argument:  

  1. P1: All events have causes.
  2. P2: Decisions are events.
  3. P3: Decisions have causes.
  4. P4: That which is caused cannot be freely chosen.
  5. P5: Free will depends on the ability of individuals to choose freely.
  6. C: There is no free will.

Free Will Argument:  

  1. P1: Free will depends on the ability of individuals to choose between alternatives.
  2. P2: The ability to choose between alternatives requires the existence of at least two alternatives at all times.
  3. P3: Individuals are always able to choose between at least two alternatives.
  4. C: There is free will.

For additional resources on FW and Determinism, check out the following:

There are tons of additional offline resources as well. Let me know if you're interested in reading some papers on these issues.

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