Monday, August 22, 2005

Philosophy and Films

I wanted to start this topic to get some movie
recommendations going. Alex (in the 2PM class) recommends
"Waking Life." I have it, haven't seen it, and am
interested to hear what others might have to say about the
philosophical issues behind the film. Would it be a good
selection? What other choices come to mind?

Fabio Escobar, Adjunct Instructor
716-380-1755 (cellular)
Fenton 284


Anonymous said...

Waking Life is an excellent film for philosophical issues. Most of the film is dialogue between people. It's very intense in that way. It's also interesting because it's entirely done in animation, but probably using vectors so that the people still look realistic; so its artsy as well.

Anonymous said...

I think a good movie would be "Donnie Darko" It's an obvious cult classic, but displays a good basis for arguing for or against reality as well as the consequences of actions affecting the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Fight Club, more of a commentary of how capitalism doesn't nurish the soul.

Darkos a cool movie, and id like to have a chance to figure out what actually happened